
Showing posts from December, 2019

Human Geo 12/11 - it be essay writing time again

Syria is a pain in the butt, but I got it now. We're also now allowed a note card to write notes on which is pretty good although its already in my brain. Thanks Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 12/10 - essay writing

Yesterday we started drafting our essay for the exam. I finished it in my off mod because I don't think I'd be able to do that just in class. I chose the essay option with the 3 countries and chose Syria, Japan, and South Sudan. The Syria one is going to be hard but I've read a lot about it so I think it's okay. I have 4 pages of writing and do not want to copy that all into a blog. Thank you Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 12/9 - it was harder than expected

To be honest I forgot we had a test today, Mr. Schick came in and told us it was going to be hard. He was correct. I am totally unsure of 2 of the questions but I put a lot of brain power into making an educated guess on it. I am excited to see what I got on this because I pulled some of the answers from I don't even know where. I guess this is a test for myself too so I can see how well I absorb information in the moment. Thank you Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 12/5 - human geo is lit

We copied a graph which obviously I can't draw on here but it looks pretty horrendous so you're going to have to take my word for it. Also watched the Khan Academy video. I am glad we didn't watch the third one, whoever actually thought that video was good is psychopathic. Thanks Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 12/4 - Mr. Schick is probably tired of us so we watched videos

Khan Academy: 1. Demographic Transition is a model that changes with a country's population. 2. Growth rate measures how much population grows or shrinks over a period of time. 3. Most countries were at stage 1 until the 18th century. The Demographic Transition Theory: 1. Population grew at 67,000 people per year in 1750 - compared to now we get that in 6-7 hours. 2. Industrialization causes population to grow. 3. Women + children were considered property and part of the mans wealth. Why populations grow and the Demographic Transition Model 1. This guy has a funky accent 2. Japans population predicted to fall 21% by 2050. 3. In 1804 population hit 1bil and in 1999 hit 6bil The Khan Academy was the most helpful - She has a nice voice and the drawings make it seem more personal. The second one, I didn't like the lady she talks too slow. The third, the guy needs to get a better mic that hurt my head to watch and it was definitely less organized.

Human Geo 12/3 - break is over and we're starting a new thing

Today in human geo Mr. Schick explained why we didn't use the textbooks anymore (because it was hard), then continued to give us work from them textbook. The work from the textbook included: read the paper, underline things on the paper. It was pretty easy in my opinion, I mean, it's just whatever you assume to be important.  Thank you Mr. Schick.