Human Geo 12/4 - Mr. Schick is probably tired of us so we watched videos

Khan Academy:
1. Demographic Transition is a model that changes with a country's population.
2. Growth rate measures how much population grows or shrinks over a period of time.
3. Most countries were at stage 1 until the 18th century.
The Demographic Transition Theory:
1. Population grew at 67,000 people per year in 1750 - compared to now we get that in 6-7 hours.
2. Industrialization causes population to grow.
3. Women + children were considered property and part of the mans wealth.
Why populations grow and the Demographic Transition Model
1. This guy has a funky accent
2. Japans population predicted to fall 21% by 2050.
3. In 1804 population hit 1bil and in 1999 hit 6bil

The Khan Academy was the most helpful - She has a nice voice and the drawings make it seem more personal. The second one, I didn't like the lady she talks too slow. The third, the guy needs to get a better mic that hurt my head to watch and it was definitely less organized.


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