Western Civ 6/1 - letter to my future self

I will try to make this as least corny as I can possibly make it, since this type of thing usually is a little corny. I hope you are alive and well, we would not want to die young. Currently, in 2020, there are quite a few things happening. We are in a global pandemic with the virus Covid-19, and there is rioting and looting across the U.S. due to the Black Lives Matter movement. Coronavirus has us out of school and doing online assignments, businesses have been closed for the past 2 months and are just now opening back up (the mall still isn’t open). Christiana mall in Delaware was supposed to open today (June 1, 2020) but now is delayed because they don’t want to get looted like another Delaware mall. I spent multiple hours last night watching the rioting, and from what I saw and what was broadcasted on the news this morning, the cops are the reason they become violent. It was the same pattern in nearly every city, people would be peacefully protesting, the cops would show up in riot gear, start spraying people with pepper spray, tear gas, pepper balls and rubber bullets (which look like they hurt), and THEN people will get aggravated and start setting fires and causing destruction. It is interesting to watch but at the same time it is sad that people channel their anger into other people’s businesses and property (like cars). During an interview with an old man who owned a jewelry store in Santa Monica, he had been there when looters had tried to break in, but they could not get the metal gate to open. They had thrown stuff to break some of the glass cases inside but could not get anything. The man seemed thankful that the gate had held up. That type of thing is quite sad. But that is what is going on now, hopefully the corona cases do not go up and we will not have to close things again because that would be frustrating. I hope you have a job that you are enjoying, a husband maybe and if you changed your mind about kids, or have enough time off for them, you have some. I hope you may be able to reconnect with old friends, and I am excited for the amount of new people you will meet in your future. Hopefully you take time for yourself to breathe, and just have some fun. I love you!!! – Lily from 2020


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