Human Geo 11/4 - Mr. Schick is GOOONNNE!!!!! (that's a meme Mr. Schick please don't take it seriously)

- 2.9 hospital beds/1000 people (U.S.)
I think this fact is interesting because it doesn't seem like a lot. You often hear the emergency room wait taking multiple hours to be seen by doctors and I wonder if this is the reason.
- Obesity in the U.S. is 36.2% of the population.
I find this really interesting. It's crazy that people just don't care about their health and don't realize that obesity brings along fatal diseases and sicknesses with it and it is SO overlooked by them.
- Afghanistans maternal mortality rate is 396, 638/100,000
I'm not even sure this statistic is correct but it was on there. It's kind of crazy.
- 72.4% of the U.S. population is white.
We constantly are on the topic of diversity and acceptance in this country but almost 3/4 of our population is hispanic or white so ?
- The median age in Niger is 15.5
I am guessing by looking at this number the life expectancy is low and they have children at a young age. I find this interesting too.

population pyramid  Nigers' population is quickly increasing.
population pyramidCabo Verde has a steadily growing population.
population pyramidJapan has a decreasing population.
population pyramidMexico has a steadily increasing population.
population pyramidEgypt seems to be increasing quickly, there's a lot of children.


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