Western Civ 5/29 - the last notes from the powerpoint

Slides 42-53
- Julius Caesar's grandnephew/adopted son (octavius) takes over when he's 18, making a triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus.
- Octavian makes Lepidus retire and becomes rivals with Mark Antony
- O. partners up with Cleopatra from Egypt and defeats them at the battle of Actium
Octavius: Augustus, Imperator, Emperor of Rome.
- Rome is now an Empire, instead of a Republic
Began a stable era of peace in Rome for 207 years.
Expanded Roman empire into Afrfica
Began a civil service to run the gov/empire
- Dies of natural causes
rules: AD 14- AD 37
Excellent general, reluctant ruler
Son dies, exiles himself
Dies at age 77

rules: AD 37- AD 41 (4 years)
Won power struggle after tiberius died
Known for: cruelty, extravagance, and perversity - he was insane
Assassinated by a group of praetorian guards, Senators, and imperial court after trying to re-establish the republic

rules: AD 41- AD 54
Suffered from possibly cerebral palsy
Took over due to the fact that he was the last adult male in the family
Ruled well- built many things to benefit Rome
Died by poisoning - last wifes plan because she wanted Nero to take over

rules: AD 54- AD 68
emphasized the arts
wanted to rebuild rome and be more majestic
overspent, raided temples for money
not looked at in a kind matter


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