
Western Civ 6/1 - letter to my future self

I will try to make this as least corny as I can possibly make it, since this type of thing usually is a little corny. I hope you are alive and well, we would not want to die young. Currently, in 2020, there are quite a few things happening. We are in a global pandemic with the virus Covid-19, and there is rioting and looting across the U.S. due to the Black Lives Matter movement. Coronavirus has us out of school and doing online assignments, businesses have been closed for the past 2 months and are just now opening back up (the mall still isn’t open  ). Christiana mall in Delaware was supposed to open today (June 1, 2020) but now is delayed because they don’t want to get looted like another Delaware mall. I spent multiple hours last night watching the rioting, and from what I saw and what was broadcasted on the news this morning, the cops are the reason they become violent. It was the same pattern in nearly every city, people would be peacefully protesting, the cops would show up in r

Western Civ 5/29 - the last notes from the powerpoint

Slides 42-53 - Julius Caesar's grandnephew/adopted son (octavius) takes over when he's 18, making a triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus. - Octavian makes Lepidus retire and becomes rivals with Mark Antony - O. partners up with Cleopatra from Egypt and defeats them at the battle of Actium Octavius: Augustus, Imperator, Emperor of Rome. - Rome is now an Empire, instead of a Republic Accomplishments Began a stable era of peace in Rome for 207 years. Expanded Roman empire into Afrfica Began a civil service to run the gov/empire - Dies of natural causes AGE OF EMPORERS: TIBERIUS:  rules: AD 14- AD 37 Excellent general, reluctant ruler Son dies, exiles himself Dies at age 77 CALIGULA: rules: AD 37- AD 41 (4 years) Won power struggle after tiberius died Known for: cruelty, extravagance, and perversity - he was insane Assassinated by a group of praetorian guards, Senators, and imperial court after trying to re-establish the republic CLAUDIUS: rules: AD 41- AD 54 Suffered from poss

Western Civ 5/26 - test confirmation and notes

I will be taking the Western Civ test on June 2 at 1:25 pm.  Notes 32-42 - Bread and circuses to keep the plebs distracted and happy - Soldiers loyalty goes to their leader not for their lands government  - Julius Caesar: highly successful general, conquered territory of Gaul (100-44 BCE) - he made common folks happy, made higher up friends such as Pompey (general who conquered Syria and Palestine) and Crassus (richest man in all of history) - Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus made the first triumvirate (rule of 3 men) - Crossing the rubicon: point of no return - Caesar seizes power:  serves as consul governor of Gaul - Pompey becomes jealous and their armies clash in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt (Caesar wins) - In 44 BC Caesar is named dictator for 6 months and then for life Caesar's reforms: Grants citizenship to people in provinces Expands senate, adding his friends Created jobs for the poor through public works projects Increased pay for soldiers Started colonies where non landowne

Western Civ 5/21 - essay topic

I am choosing  A: Compare and contrast the government of ancient Rome with the government of the  modern-day United States.

Western Civ 5/28 - notes on pg 160-165

- Slaves were forced to work on rich people's huge estates - By 100 B.C. slaves made up 1/3 of Rome's population Civil War: conflict between groups within the same country  Julius Caesar: Military leader Triumvirate: a group of 3 rulers - Caesar became too powerful and was stabbed to death - After his death civil war broke out and destroyed the rest of the roman republic Augustus: "exalted one" - name for octavius Pax Romana: "roman peace" - Agriculture was the most important industry in the empire - Rome traded a lot - Rome worshipped multiple gods and goddesses  - They would have exotic wild animals fight to the death, same with slaves

Western Civ 5/15 - Punic wars

Slides 23-31 The Punic wars were 3 wars between Rome vs. Carthage. Rome won the first war. They gained control of the island of Sicily. The second war was 15 years long, a 29 year old general almost took control of Rome, but doesn't. They rode elephants in war. The last war was because Rome wanted to eliminate the threat of Carthage. They went and attacked it, the city was burned for 17 days; the buildings and walls were destroyed and the last 50,000 people were sold into slavery. The last territories of Carthage were annexed and made into the Roman province of Africa. Slavery became a big thing in Italy after this defeat of Carthage, by the end of the second century BCE there were over a million slaves in Italy. Slaves worked on farms for the rich. 

Western Civ 5/12 - discussion about two topics

The way Tarquin gets power is messed up but a lot of people would do anything for power, fame, or money. I wonder if that girl didn't convince him to take power he would've still done it. Rome is lucky they got caught or else I don't they would've ended up in a good place. The Romans are smart for not wanting that kind of power and not allowing it. The rule where they can only rule one year is smart. One year is not enough time to do something shady and cover it up. This government sounds a lot like ours. I think there is just more parts to Rome's government, like in monopoly when you pass go you also have to remember to collect 200$ but in the US government it's like you just pass go. There's no extra stuff it's just exactly how it is. Now that I read the rest that only applies to some aspects of it because our legislative branch has extra parts. Our judicial branch is definitely better. Our constitution and amendments are better than a general thing. T