Western Civ 5/12 - discussion about two topics

The way Tarquin gets power is messed up but a lot of people would do anything for power, fame, or money. I wonder if that girl didn't convince him to take power he would've still done it. Rome is lucky they got caught or else I don't they would've ended up in a good place. The Romans are smart for not wanting that kind of power and not allowing it. The rule where they can only rule one year is smart. One year is not enough time to do something shady and cover it up. This government sounds a lot like ours. I think there is just more parts to Rome's government, like in monopoly when you pass go you also have to remember to collect 200$ but in the US government it's like you just pass go. There's no extra stuff it's just exactly how it is. Now that I read the rest that only applies to some aspects of it because our legislative branch has extra parts. Our judicial branch is definitely better. Our constitution and amendments are better than a general thing. That eventual creates problems in the judicial branch.  


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