9/9 Human Geo - Ancient Greece Word Definitions

Define words:
Agora - directly translates to 'open place of assembly'
- In early Greece was an open place in the city where free-born citizens would go to listen to civic announcements, muster for military campaigns and discuss politics.
- Later used as a marketplace where vendors can sell goods.
Polis - an independent city in ancient Greece
- Usually consisted of an urban centre, fortified with a sacred centre built on a natural acropolis/harbor.
- Similar to a state, had its own culture.
Importance of 508 B.C.
- Democracy is introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes (he is often referred to as the "Father of Athenian democracy.")
Socrates - Greek philosopher credited with laying the fundamentals of Modern Western Civilization known for inventing the teaching practice of pedagogy, where a teacher questions a student in a manner that draws out the correct response.
Death of Socrates - He was sentenced to death by poison
- Accused of "refusing to recognize the gods of recognized the gods recognized by the state" and "corrupting the youth."
Socratic Method - asking continual questions until a contradiction (a disagreement/argument)
Idiot defined by the Greeks - Lacking in professional skill or a private citizen or individual.
- Actually meant only concerned with private affairs, instead of public affairs.


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