Human Geo 9/12 - Excellence notes part 4 (review)

End of notes:
- Idiot according to Ancient Greece:
characterized by self-centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private - as opposed to public - affairs.
᛫ idiots were born but citizens are made through education.
᛫ doesn't take part in public life, such as democratic government of the polis, was considered dishonorable.
- The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates.

In class:
- We reviewed over notes and went over what would be on the test by coming up with questions we think would be on the test and was given confirmation, or told they weren't on it.
- There is multiple choice, fill in the blank and essay questions. The first essay question is an opinion answer.
- There is a bonus but it's not about Mr. Schick's dog.
- Tonight I will review notes, paying special attention to Socrates and the events of 508 B.C. and president McKinley.


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