Human Geo 9/27 - Grids & Time Zones Pt. 1

First section of notes on Grids & Time Zones
- Geography: the study of where things are found on Earth's surface & reasons why they're there.
1. Where are people & activities found on Earth? 
2. Why are they found there?
- Map: 2d flat scale model of Earth's surface (or portion of it)
- Cartography: The art/science of mapmaking.
• Eratosthenes - drew that map thats kinda wrong
- Maps serve 2 purposes:
1. Absolute & Relative location
2. Communications tool to convey the distribution of human activities or physical features
- Absolute Location: position as expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude (North or South of Equator) & longitude (East & West of Prime Meridian)
- Relative Location: regional position of a situation of a place relative to the position of other places.
- Latitude: a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Runs parallel to the equator.
Most significant parallels (latitude):
• Arctic Circle 66º 34' (66.47º) N
• Tropic of Cancer 23º 26' (66.57º) N
• Equator 0º (N/S)
• Tropic of Capricorn 23º 26' (23.43º) S
• Antarctic Circle 66º 34' (66.57º) S

Lines of latitude main ideas:
- Parallels
- East-West direction
- Measure distance North-South of the equator
- Cross at Prime Meridian at perfect right angles
- Get shorter toward the poles with only the Equator, the longest; the Great Circle


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