
Showing posts from November, 2019

Human Geo 11/26 - it's almost break i want to leave

Mr. Schick just yelled at Christo. Christo is stupid for thinking he didn't do anything to deserve it but that's not my problem. We're about to go over the test. I got a 92 which I'm pretty pleased with. I am hungry. Thank you Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 11/25 - siddhartha says good luck (the other class is full of cheaters, I mean who would even THINK of doing that anyway???? )

This class, to be honest, was the most eventful of the day. Someone in the other class wrote answers on the desk where Joi sits. Personally I think Joi should've sat there earlier so she could have them but Mr. Schick saw it before she did (that was uh... a joke). He took a picture of it and then used windex to clean it. I think I did well on the test to be honest. I am the CEO of human geo (sorry Mr. Schick).  yes. Thank you Mr. Schick

Human Geo 11/22 - the five religions notes pt. 2

The Five Religions Notes (con.) 4. Buddhism - # of adherents: 500 million - 1.5 billion - call them: Buddhists - geographic location: southeast Asia, China, Nepal, Japan (there are 1.2 mil Buddhists in the United States) - founder: Siddhartha Gautama - denominations: Tibetan, Zen, Theravada, Amidist - Eightfold Path: right view, right action, right intention, right speech, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right dedication Four Noble Truths: 1. There is suffering. 2. Attachment to desire is the origin of suffering. 3. There is a cessation of suffering. 4. The Eightfold Path will lead to the cessation of suffering. 5. Judaism - # of adherents: 14-18 million (ninth) - call them: Jewish - geographic location: Israel (6-4 mil, 75.4%), U.S. (5.3-7 mil, 1.7%-2.6%) - founder: Abraham - holy book: The Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Number, Deuteronomy) - beliefs: ethical monotheism - God is one, and concerned with the actions of humankind, Ten Comman

Human Geo 11/20 - the five religions notes pt. 1

1. Christianity - # of adherents: 2.2 billion - called: Christians - geographic location: Europe, Americas, South Africa. - denominations: Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church Protestants (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, Presbyterians Episcopalians...) - founder: Jesus Christ (Christianity is Abrahamic in origin) - holy book: The Bible - belief; Jesus is both human and divine - The Son of God; he was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected; he ascended into heaven where he reigns with God the Father. - clergy: the Pope - head of the Catholic church; priests are local authorities. 2. Islam - # of adherents: 1.5 billion - call them: Muslim - geographic location: Indonesia, Middle East, North Africa - denominations: Sunnis (75-90%), Shia (10-20%) - founder: Muhammad (570-632) - holy book: Qur'an - beliefs: monotheistic, Abrahamic - five pillars: testimony, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, pilgrimage. - Muslims see their purpose in life as serving and su

Human Geo 11/19 - receiving the test that i was actually prepared for back

So basically, I didn't fail. I got a 90, which is not bad, but at the same time I make really dumb mistakes, such as writing there is 7.6 million people on the earth, instead of billion. I just need to pay attention harder I guess. On the semester exam I will definitely not make that mistake again.

Human Geo 11/18 - test day that I was actually prepared for

This test was relatively easy. I know I say this and then get a bad grade but I'm hoping that doesn't happen. Veracross is a lifesaver though. I looked last night and saw there was a test on the schedule so I went and read over the notes and felt that I knew what I was talking about and everything on there. Thank you Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 11/14 - our absurdly long presentation

Today in human geo, David came back. Therefore, we presented our presentation on Somalia and Japan. Now, this presentation should have been around 5-10 but thanks to my very, uh, informed group members it took 35.  That's okay I guess though because they got the point across. I think I did pretty well. I think I have a problem with taking things seriously though I learned during that. Although, I think I woke half the class up after the first half of our group went (not throwing shade, they did a wonderful job, but it was quite boring). Enough about me though, my group members were fantastic and we had a successful presentation. Thank you Mr. Schick.

Human Geo 11/13 - presentations

Today in human geo we watched the other groups do presentations. I wouldn't let our group go because I want everyone there and Nick would be doing all the talking for their half and I don't want that so hopefully David shows up tomorrow. Thank you Mr. Schick

Human Geo 11/12 - fixing our problems (both with japan and other stuff but we don't need to talk about it)

Today in Human Geo I regretted many decisions but that is perfectly okay because I got our project done. We just need to figure out who's doing what part for the speaking. Thank you Mr. Schick, Human Geo was fun today.

Human Geo 11/8 - same thing as yesterday except productive

Today we worked on our group project. Sean was here today so we explained what we were doing and put together our slides, which still need a little work but it'll get done.

Human Geo 11/7 - taking one for the class for our group project

Today I experienced something new - picking names for teams but the people don't know they're picked until everyone's team is sorted out. I was picked team captain. I had originally had David in my mind for first pick because he usually has good ideas, but I really didn't know who else I wanted. No one else picked Nick, so I did, he usually has decent arguments. I knew this was going to be a mess as soon as I started writing Nick. And then it really became a mess when I wrote Christo. Christo is in our group for a few reasons, one of them being that everyone wanted me to pick him since they didn't want him. I picked Sean just because uh Sean. Anyway, that was pretty fun. So our project is to pick a post-developed and a developing country with major problems to "fix." We must come up with things to help the country from a government perspective. We picked Japan for their birth rate problem and Somalia for their pirating problem. Somalia is going to be rough

11/6 Human Geo - Literally every question on last years semester exam except I only wrote 5 because I'm just that good.

- CIA publishes world fact book - something like the world fact book - 326 mil - U.S. - 7.6 billion - world - 1804 population hit 1B actual class: This was kind of fun. My people care more about Starbucks than class but that's okay I came in like 2 minutes late. Thank you Mr. Schick. Anyway. We reviewed and I know most of the things.

Human Geo 11/4 - Mr. Schick is GOOONNNE!!!!! (that's a meme Mr. Schick please don't take it seriously)

- 2.9 hospital beds/1000 people (U.S.) I think this fact is interesting because it doesn't seem like a lot. You often hear the emergency room wait taking multiple hours to be seen by doctors and I wonder if this is the reason. - Obesity in the U.S. is 36.2% of the population. I find this really interesting. It's crazy that people just don't care about their health and don't realize that obesity brings along fatal diseases and sicknesses with it and it is SO overlooked by them. - Afghanistans maternal mortality rate is 396, 638/100,000 I'm not even sure this statistic is correct but it was on there. It's kind of crazy. - 72.4% of the U.S. population is white. We constantly are on the topic of diversity and acceptance in this country but almost 3/4 of our population is hispanic or white so ? - The median age in Niger is 15.5 I am guessing by looking at this number the life expectancy is low and they have children at a young age. I find this interesting to

Human Geo 11/1 - Hans Quiz

Today we took a quiz on the video we watched. It was really easy since we reviewed the video before the quiz. I only got one wrong but that still gives me a 90 and its not even going on first quarter so it's cool. Thank you Mr. Schick