Western Civ 4/29 - ancient rome definitions

Republic - A form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders.
Patrician - Wealthy landowners who held the most power.
Plebeian - Common farmers, artesians, and merchants who made up most of the population.
Tribune - Protect the plebeians from unfair acts from the patrician officials.
Consul - Two king-like officials who commanded the army and directed the government. Ruled for one year, can't re-run until 10 years later and a consul overrules their decisions.
Senate - Aristocratic branch of Rome's government. 300 members from the upper class in Roman life.
Dictator - A leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army.
Legion - Large military units, 5000 infantry men and a group of cavalry to support.
Punic Wars - Rome and Carthage at war 3 times.
Hannibal - 29 year old Carthaginian general; brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat.


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